Tuesday 21 January 2014

Reward Yourself

Good Morning!

Yesterday we made the decision to refuse to feel hopelessly unhappy. What can we do today to break negative thought processes and to start on the right path towards wellness?

The important thing to remember is not to overwhelm yourself with too many tasks. Yesterday we talked about how making the conscious decision to get well is a major accomplishment in and of itself, the same idea applies here. Fighting through the lethargy and fatigue of depression can seem almost impossible somedays, so reward yourself for doing the little things that may have otherwise gone undone. Focus on all the things that you have accomplished, the things that you want to accomplish, and the things that can be left for tomorrow. Break larger tasks into smaller ones, make lists, follow action plans, and DON'T BECOME OVERWHELMED.

Just because you have accomplished one thing, doesn't mean you have to move on to the next thing on your list. It is important to remember to stop and pat yourself on the back, take a break when you need one, and be sure to schedule in some activities that bring you joy and comfort as a reward for all the great things you have done today! 

What are today's small victories going to be for you? For me, I am going to start the referral process in order to get hooked up with a  counsellor in my city, I am going to exercise, and I am going to continue to take my medication. 



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